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Perl String Functions

Here are some common Perl String functions which can be very useful for your PERL scripts or programs.

Perl String Functions

(1) lc

Converts all characters in the string to lower case.

my $test = lc("ABCD");
print $test; # print abcd

(2) uc

Converts all characters in the string to upper case.

my $test = uc("abcd");
print $test # print ABCD

(3) ucfirst

Takes a string and retruns it with the first character in upper case.

my $test = ucfirst("abcd");
print $test # print Abcd

(4) lcfirst

Takes a string and retruns it with the first character in lower case.

my $test = lcfirst("ABCD");
print $test # print aBCD

(5) length

Returns the length of the string in bytes.

my $length = length("ABCD");
print $length # print 4

(6) split

The split function is use to break up strings into a list of substrings.

my $name = "Lisa Mona Tony Austin";
my @array = split ( /\s/, $name );

print @array; # print LisaMonaTonyAustin
print $array[0]; # print Lisa

(7) join

The join does the inverse of split. Join takes a string that specifies the delimiter to be
concatenated between each item in the list supplied by subsequent parameter(s).

my $name = "Lisa Mona Tony Austin";
my @array = split ( /\s/, $name );
my $string = join ( ':', @array );

print $string; # print Lisa:Mona:Tony:Austin

(8) chop

This function removes the last character of a string and returns that character. If given a
list of arguments, the operation is performed on each one and the last character chopped is

Examples of chop

my $test = "abcdefghij";
print $test; #would return exact string... nothing to remove

my $test = "abcdefghij\n";
print $test; #would return 'abcdefghij', removed newline

my $test = "abcdefghij\n";
my $value = chomp($test);
print $value; #would return 1, it did remove something for sure

my $test = "abcdefghij";
print $test; #this would return 'abcdefghi'

my $test = "abcdefghij";
my $check= chop($test);
print $check; #this would return 'j'

(9) chomp

This is an alternative to the chop() function. It removes characters at the end of strings
corresponding to the $INPUT_LINE_SEPARATOR ($/). It returns the number of characters removed.
It can be given a list of strings upon which to perform this operation. When given no arguments,
the operation is performed on $_.

print; ##prints 'lafb', removes 'abc' as expected

(10) ord

The ord function return the ASCII value of any alphabet, numeric, special character you entered.

my $value = "A";
print ord($value);

#it will print 65