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Monday, April 18, 2011

(25) How to use Apache2::Ajax with perl code?


In the previous post, no. 24, i tried to show how to use CGI::Ajax with perl code. Now i am going to use Apache2::Ajax which is mod_perl interface to CGI::Ajax.

This module require mod_perl2, CGI::Ajax, as well as a CGI.pm-compatible CGI module for supplying the param() and header() methods. If available, CGI::Apache2::Wrapper will be used, which is a minimal module that uses methods of mod_perl2 and Apache2::Request to provide these methods; if this is not available, CGI (version 2.93 or greater) will be used.

To use this module you have to make some changes in your httpd.conf, which is located at /etc/httpd/conf/.

To make the use of the below example, some steps need to be followed:-

(i) Create a directory cgi-bin2 in /var/www/.

(ii) Following change must be done your httpd.conf :-

PerlModule ModPerl::Registry
Alias /cgi-bin2/ /var/www/cgi-bin2/
<Location /cgi-bin2>
     SetHandler perl-script
     PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
     PerlOptions +GlobalRequest
     PerlSendHeader On
     PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
     Options +ExecCGI
     Order allow,deny
     Allow from all

(iii) Create a file named with myajax.pl with the following code:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use CGI;
use lib '/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/';

use Apache2::MyAjaxApp;

my $r =shift;

(iv) Create a file named MyAjaxApp.pm in following location:


Put the following code into the file

package Apache2::MyAjaxApp;

use Apache2::Ajax;
use mod_perl2;
sub check {
    my $arg = shift;
    return ( $arg . " with some extra" );

sub Show_Form_sub {

    my $html = "";
    $html .= "<HTML>";
    $html .= "<HEAD>";
    $html .= <<EOT;
    <FORM name="form">
    <INPUT type="text" id="inarg"
        onkeyup="tester(['inarg'],['output_div']); return true;">
    <div id="output_div"></div>
    <br/><div id='pjxdebugrequest'></div><br/>

    return $html;

sub Show_Form_sub1 {

    my $html = "";
    $html .= "<HTML>";
    $html .= "<HEAD>";
    $html .= <<EOT;

    return $html;
sub handler {

    my ($class,$r) = @_;
    my $ajax = Apache2::Ajax->new($r, 'tester' => \&check);

    $r->print($ajax->build_html('html' => \&Show_Form_sub));
    return Apache2::Const::OK;



Restart your apache service and run in the browser with the following url:


1 comment:

  1. I assume you install Apache2::Ajax for perl5.8. Do you know how to install it for perl5.10? You can't install it using ppm.

    I guess I could go back to perl5.8 and then install Apache2::Ajax with ppm. But, I'm a little worried about what affect going backwards will have on other perl code of mine.
